02 June 2019

I Wrote a Dirty Joke

I Wrote a Dirty Joke

Many years ago I decided to write a dirty joke. So here it is.

A couple was on a tour of a remote area of Polynesia. They strayed away from their tour group and found themselves in a lost village. There was no one around and they saw a large idol in the middle of the village. Struck by its beauty, they both picked up the idol to get a closer look. Immediately they were surrounded by hundreds of villagers, back from a hunt.

The Chief (or at least he looked like the Chief because he had the most ornate jewelry, and because he called himself the Chief) said to them, “You have despoiled our sacred idol by touching it and you must pay the penalty or die.”

Not keen on dying, the husband said, “We’re sorry we touched your idol. We will pay the penalty.” He was hoping it was something he could put on his American Express.

“Because you have both touched the idol, tonight you must satisfy in the art of love all the adults in the village. Your wife with the men, you with the women.”

They reluctantly agreed and went to their separate huts where they fulfilled their obligations as best they could.

The next morning, the husband, who was very tired, said, “Well, I guess that is settled. We will go now.”

“No,” said the Chief, “You must stay tonight and again pay the penalty.” The husband was going to protest, but reluctantly agreed and again spent the night pleasing the village women.

The next morning the husband, so tired he was barely able to walk, said, “Well, now we must have fulfilled our punishment.”

“No,” said the Chief, “You must stay another night.”

“But you said we could leave after we paid the penalty.”

“Yes,” said the Chief, “But your wife touched the idol two more times.”

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